
Copi Cafe

Cornucopias founders Josh Jones and Rob Greig appear in a weekly show to discuss everything going on with the Cornucopias team. Topics covered include partnership announcements, digital asset sale details, roadmap updates, special guests, general industry topics and development leaks. Premiering on YouTube every Friday afternoon, it’s the best place to get all of the latest developments happening in the world of Cornucopias.

GPT4 & MELTING FACES! | COPICafe Episode 46 | Cornucopias

In this episode of COPI Cafe, the guys kick of the video with a talk about the recent depegging of the USDC coin the the dollar. They then go on to talk about CHAT GPT4 and the potential use cases for this revolutionary technology at Cornucopias. Next, they talk about the development progress going on behind the scenes and their strategy towards delivery. They then go on to answer some community questions asked in our Discord server over the last week.

Episode Playlist