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Photo Gallery
Mining area on Solace
Cliffs surrounding river
Sunrise lake view in Solace
Campsite and valley
Waterfalls on Solace
Campsite fire on Solace
Forest and mountains in Solace
Forests and fields
Caves in Solace
Treeline on mountain top
Hiking through the rolling hills
Cliff overlooking valley
Aspen tree closeup
Approaching Solace
Trees on mountain top
Scattered boulders and trees in open field
Lake surrounded by rock hills
Trees and foliage
Hiking paths in a mountain valley
A pond on Solace
One of many lakes on Solace
Valley in Solace
Vehicle hangar lobby
Hiking trails in Solace
A forest on Solace
Mushrooms in Solace
Cliffs surrounding lake
River shore on Solace
Mountains at sunset on Solace
Cliffs overlooking hiking trails
Rolling hills surrounding a lake
Vehicle hangar hallway
Foot of a mountain
Fog covered mountains
Lake and fishing dock
Fog covered lake in Solace
Forest and mountains
Rocky hills on Solace
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